Release 2.20

Derwyn Harris
Talkoot CPO and Co-Founder
With the holiday season fast approaching we wanted to get a release out the door that represented improvements without committing to anything big and new. We’ll save that goodness for early 2017!
Multi-Image Viewer part 2
For 2.19 we released a brand new multi-image viewer and gathered feedback which we’ve now incorporated. The enhancements include:
- Resizing so you can move the viewer around
- Reduced background opacity so you can still read the work behind the image viewer
- Switched the viewer box to a different technology that simply worked better.
URL Import and image reference
Rather than import the images used by the writers you can now point to images that live elsewhere, as long as the image is accessible.
Improved Hover on client view
We are always looking for ways to provide relevant information quickly. The client view intentionally is scaled back to remove clutter and focus clients on the approval process. Sometime though seeing detailed information is necessary as a refresher. The hover provides quick access to the key model information.