Tailoring Product Descriptions for Marketplace Success
Striking the right balance between brand voice and retailer requirements on the product page
Product descriptions play a critical role in the online shopping experience. According to the 2024 Future Shopper Report by Wunderman Thompson accurate product description ranked as the second most important factor influencing consumer purchase decision only behind price. Quality product descriptions inform purchase decisions, influence search rankings, and ultimately drive sales.
The effectiveness of these descriptions often hinges on how well the copy balances the need to stand out as a brand while, at the same time, meet retailer-specific content requirements. Global brands invest heavily in crafting a compelling brand voice that connects with consumers and sets them apart from the competition. It makes sense they want to utilize that voice across all consumer touchpoints. However, the language used across digital retailers and marketplaces needs to go beyond simply adhering to a list of voice guidelines. Since online sales rely heavily on the search algorithms driving discovery on each site, neglecting retailer-specific content requirements can significantly hinder product visibility and conversion rates.
Download our guide to learn more about balancing brand voice with retailer requirements across your product pages.
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