The Ultimate Large Language Model Optimization Guide for Online Retailers

The most complete and authoritative guide to optimizing your ecommerce product content for large language models like Bing, ChatGPT and Bard. 

Aside from the Internet itself, it’s safe to say no technology has had a greater impact on how people shop over the last two decades than the Search Engine. Today 89% of shoppers consult a search engine results page (SERP) when making a purchase. 

Now another results page threatens to test the SERP’s primacy: The CHERP. With their vast knowledge bases and lightning-fast response times, LLM-powered chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and Microsoft’s Bing are poised to become another indispensable tool in shoppers’ hunt for just the right product.  

In a move that speaks volumes to the importance of this new technology in the buying journey, Amazon is working on its own chatbot that will “reimagine Amazon Search with an interactive conversational experience” to help customers make better buying decisions. 

Some call it Large Language Model Optimization (LLMO). Others are calling it Generative AI Optimization (GAIO). Still others are labeling it Answer Engine Optimization (AEO). The name will likely change as the practice matures, but one thing is for sure: it’s here to stay. 

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We're hosting a webinar on this topic on 11 Jan 2024

Key Takeaways

This guide is intended to help online retailers optimize their product content to ensure their products appear prominently in results as shoppers turn to LLM-powered chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard and Bing to research. It will cover: 

    1. How shoppers are using Bard, Bing and ChatGPT on their path to purchase, 
    2. How LLMs use product information to help shoppers find the right products, and 
    3. How retailers should structure their content to ensure their products appear prominently in LLM chat results. 

      About the author



      Brian Hennessy is the Co-Founder & CEO of Talkoot, the most powerful & complete AI product storytelling platform for ecommerce. He also founded Thread, a content studio that helps sports and outdoor brands like adidas, Burton, Rossignol and Keen tell their story.

      LLM-Powered Shoppers: Optimizing your product content for discoverability on Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT

      AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard and Bing are emerging as an invaluable tool for shoppers researching products and making purchasing decisions. As these LLM-powered tools become more widely adopted by shoppers, retailers need to adapt their strategies to ensure that their products are visible and accessible to users of these new, powerful tools.
      This webinar will explore the impact of LLMs on the buying journey and provide actionable insights for retailers on how to optimize their product content for LLM search. Attendees will learn how shoppers are using LLMs to research products, how LLMs use product information to help shoppers find the right products, and how retailers can structure their content to ensure their products appear prominently in LLM chat results.

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