Try the only AI writer built for ecommerce.
Talkoot is an enterprise-grade AI writing platform full of all the automation, collaboration and professional editing tools teams need to create product descriptions at scale.
AI specialized for ecommerce
Talkoot’s specialized AI for ecommerce is built to write high-impact product stories, optimized for every digital channel. Our AI can also be fully customized by brand, channel, customer persona and more.
No special input required
Most stand-alone AI tools require unique data, formats and prompts to get results. That doesn’t work at scale. Talkoot can work with the product data you already have in the format it’s already in.
AI models for multiple content types
Most AI writing tools are built on a single AI model. But different AI writing models are suited to different types of content. Talkoot employs several AI models to create all your product content, all at once. Learn more.
“This writer is super clear about core attributes and the reason to buy.”
– Outerwear Product Manager, Outdoor Research
Talkoot pays for itself many times over
4x greater efficiency
40%+ savings on content production
3x reduction in errors
10%+ conversion rate increases
99% on-time copy deliveries
A happy team & more loyal customers